I just wanted to say sorry for those of you who follow the blog. I planed on posting more regularly and posting pictures too. Unfortunately the internet is not easy to get here and when I have access the Internet is too slow to upload pics. I have tried a couple of times and it takes about three hours and is not always a garente. I have been told of hotel nearby that has the best Internet connection in Jinja so i will try that next week.
We left the Hairy Lemon island a few days ago but are going back today. The Lemon is essentially kayaking camp. It is definitely helping all of us. We eat breakfast and kayak on club wave for about two to three hours. Then we eat lunch wait for the water to rise ( the dam release in the morning but the levels take till four to reach the Lemon) and head out to Nile special for about three hours. The Nile special wave has a sweet but tricky entry with a tow rope that crosses the eddy line and drops you into the wave. If the kayaker is feeling lucky, when they drop in they can pull themselves on the rope rite as they let go and try a clean pan am or blunt. This all ways results in much cheering because either it works or the person got a nasty edge catching flush.... and that is always funny. There isn't much to do on the island at night so we all read and play poker or chess ect.... its good.
I'm am hoping to try again in about six days to load pictures to complement these story's. In this neck of the world that will most likely be a half to full day endeavor. Take care all