Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Forget this cold weather... Endless summer anyone?

Its the first few days of fall and moment of truth has come. We are headed to Uganda in about 24 hrs. Half of our group is taking a diffrent flight so we (Mike, Steve, and I) shall meet them in Kempala. We Three however are meeting in NYC tonight and taking off tomarrow. LOL,,,,im mildly apprehencive about getting the kayaks on the plane. But, Im sure it will work out.....we're paddlers, these things do. I believe its all the sacrifices to the river gods that give us this "rolling with it" ability.
I just wanted to say a huge thanks to Kim, Ty, and Nick at WRSI, Matt with Riot, Nick and Jeff at H2O for helping me personaly achive my paddling goals. O, and even though I didn't get my gear in time, ken at Peak UK has been more helpfull in trying and more importantly getting back to me.
Well the next time I'll be posting it shall be in Africa and hopefully I'll be slam'n some sweet Uganda shots up too.


I12BinMT said...

I'm so happy that your kayaks got on and that you are on your way. It will be great to hear from you and see your pictures. I know that you will have an incredible adventure!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see your first entry... I wonder if you are even there yet!!! miss you lots and wish I was where it was nice and warm and bug ridden!!!! mucho amore

Jason said...

Hey I hope the flights went well and you made it safely! How long are you planning on being in Uganda? Excited to see some pictures!

Meghan said...

apparently i was signed on to someone else's account... so Jason is really Meghan. :) i'm special.